The best online craft classes segment each class into short, actionable sessions. Some even offer lifetime access to course materials so you can revisit the techniques anytime you need a refresher. While many platforms offer you the option to purchase classes individually, serious DIYers will find value in an online craft class subscription that provides limitless course views. Keep reading to learn about the best online craft classes.

Pros & Cons

Creative Live is an online learning platform that delivers on-demand courses across a range of subjects. When it comes to Craft + Maker courses, there are nearly 200 classes to choose from in subjects like hand lettering, jewelry making, paper crafts, quilting, and more. Every course includes around a dozen smaller classes that take a deep dive into the subject. The classes are taught by experts and, at a glance, you can see how many students have taken the course and whether or not they recommend it. Some classes stream for free, but most will require you to buy the class a la carte or sign up for a site subscription, called The Creator Pass. Creative Live offers some of the most flexible subscription terms out there; a month-to-month option is available for $39, while a yearly commitment costs $15 per month. For the greatest savings, pay for an annual subscription upfront for $149. Creative Live also makes it easy to gift a class to someone else. If you love to learn, then Creative Live offers plenty of options outside of crafting, too.  Other course areas include Art & Design, Money & Life, Photo & Video, and Music & Audio.

Pros & Cons

While many online craft classes are geared toward perpetual learners who will benefit from an all-you-can-learn monthly or yearly subscription, not everyone wants or needs this type of course access. Domestika offers a la carte craft classes that give you the choice to pay for just the subjects you want to learn. Classes vary in price, but most are under $20. You can also build your own bundle by pairing courses in similar subjects together and paying a discounted price. The catalog of craft classes offered by Domestika is substantial and surprising. You’ll see courses on Shibori tie dying or how to crochet amigurumi, alongside more simple skill sets like basic sewing machine skills. Keep in mind that some classes feature English audio, while others are in Spanish with subtitles available in a variety of languages, including English.

Pros & Cons

If you’re looking for a group crafting session to really get your creative juices flowing, check out the live workshops offered by CraftJam. Referred to as WebJams, these crafting classes are designed to help you “make skills and friends,” according to CraftJam. For this reason, every workshop is limited to 25 participants and video participation is strongly encouraged. CraftJam takes crafting seriously, with experienced “JamMasters” leading each session. But the emphasis is also on having fun and building a sense of community over a shared experience. CraftJam offers to send you ready-made crafting kits specific to each workshop, but it also encourages DIYers to make do with on-hand crafting supplies if you’re tight on time or cash.  The cost of a ticket for these live craft workshops is $25, plus processing fees. There’s no refund for WebJam tickets, but you can reschedule to another class as long as you provide 24-hour notice.

Pros & Cons

Creativebug is an on-demand craft class provider that covers knitting, crochet, art and design, paper, sewing, quilting, and jewelry. It stands out as a great source for kid’s online craft classes since you can filter the more than 1,000 classes to find kid-specific content. With about 200 classes specifically created with young crafters in mind, the site has a lot to offer to kids who are interested in expanding their skills. Some projects are typical of what you’d expect your child to learn at summer camp, like how to make friendship bracelets. Others teach the fundamentals of knitting or crocheting. No specific age range is given for each class, so parents might need to help their kids choose classes that are in line with their current abilities and interests. If you’re not sure whether your child has been bitten by the crafting bug, this site is a good place to start. A monthly subscription with access to all classes starts at just $7.95, but a free trial also gives you the option to let your little crafter try before you buy.

Pros & Cons

You don’t have to invest much to learn a lot with the affordable subscription options from Craftsy. Whether you are new to crafting and want to test the waters before investing much or you have a limited budget for learning, Craftsy offers affordable online craft classes. A monthly membership for $7.99 is a good pick for new DIYers who want to take online craft classes for a spin. If you enjoy the platform and find yourself hooked, an annual membership costs $79.99. Either subscription option gives you instant access to the more than 1,500 classes on the platform. Most classes are available on-demand, but live sessions are available as well. While your subscription is active, you can re-watch any class as many times as it takes you to master that embroidery stitch or wrangle your jewelry wire. However, you won’t have lifetime access unless you purchase a class a la carte, which is an added expense that you’ll probably want to skip if you’re looking for a budget online craft class experience.

Pros & Cons

For a free crafting fix, check out the complimentary online classes offered by Michaels. This brick-and-mortar craft store offers a wide range of classes every month on Zoom. The Community Classroom Online is open to participants age 13 and older, while younger budding crafters can join kid-friendly projects in the Kids Club Online. These free online craft classes cover a wide range of crafting interests, such as jewelry making, knitting, or mixed media projects. Most classes have a specific project for participants to make, rather than focusing exclusively on teaching fundamentals. For every class, the list of necessary materials is clearly listed on the information page. Registration is free, making this a low-commitment way to explore a new hobby or expand your crafting skills. However, you’re tied to the pre-set class schedule since these events are not available on-demand. Most days have anywhere from two to five online craft classes scheduled, but Saturdays and Sundays have more limited classes available. If you don’t have a flexible schedule that allows for mid-week crafting, Michaels’ free crafting classes might not prove to be such a score after all.

Who Might Use Online Craft Classes?

Anyone with an interest in learning a new hands-on activity might enjoy an online craft class. While most classes are suitable for teenagers to adults, there are also online craft classes specifically designed for the attention span and interests of children. Online craft classes are a convenient, affordable way to pick up a new hobby from the comfort of home. These classes are often available on-demand, making them an ideal choice for even busy people who need a way to unwind.

Do I Need to Supply My Own Materials for the Class?

You usually need to supply materials, but it depends on the online craft class provider. For live craft class workshops, some companies include a materials kit in the cost of the ticket to the class. The essential supplies you’ll need for the project will be sent prior to the class. However, most self-paced online craft classes will simply provide you with a list of required supplies you’ll need to buy yourself. Take advantage of resources in your existing craft stash or use each project as a way to build your crafting toolbox of brushes, tools, and other supplies.


We scoped out leading platforms for online crafting and also considered niche options or online learning programs from big-box crafting stores. While some online learning platforms have a broad course catalog that includes a marginal amount of crafting classes, we focused on those that cater to the crafting community or have a significant number of creativity classes available.