We recently published a tutorial on auto fill feature. Auto fill can automatically fill values in a column based on the pattern present in the same column. In contrast, Flash Fill can also search adjacent columns for a pattern. In this tutorial, we will teach you how to use the Flash Fill feature. Let us take a simple worksheet as an example for this tutorial. The worksheet contains sample data which includes full employee names, phone numbers and dates of birth. You can download this sample worksheet for practice purpose.

In this worksheet, we want to quickly enter data in the First Name, Formatted Phone and Formatted DOB columns.

Flash Fill Text Data

Place your cursor in the cell B2 and type the first name of the employee (i.e. Margurite). Press enter key or down arrow key to go to the next cell B3. Type a few letters of the first name of the second employee and you will see that Excel has detected a possibility that you want to enter first name from the column A. Excel Flash Fill will offer you a quick list of first names from column A. Press Enter key to accept suggestion.

Flash Fill Phone Numbers

Flash Fill Dates

Now we will use this feature to quickly enter formatted dates. In column E, we have Date of Birth written as ddmmyyyy. We want to format this date as dd/mm/yyyy for easy reading. If you have to format and enter all this data manually, not only it will take a lot of time but also it is an error-prone method. You should instead use Flash Fill!

Flash Fill Error

When you click the Flash Fill button and if Excel is not be able to recognize a pattern, it will show the following error message: In such a case, you should enter a few more examples manually to help Excel recognize the pattern. If you’re filling values by clicking Flash Fill button, we recommend that you carefully check the automatically filled values. If these values are not correct, you should provide more examples by manually filling them. To use Flash Fill, enter a couple of examples of the output you’d like to see, keep the active cell in the column you want filled in and click the Flash Fill button again. We believe that Excel automatically offers you a suggestion only when it is confident that it has recognized the pattern. Excel will not offer suggestion by itself unless its degree of confidence is very high. By clicking the Flash Fill button, you’re forcing Excel to act even if it is not very sure of how to fill the cells. If Excel is totally clueless about pattern, it will show the above error message. And if Excel has some idea about the pattern, it will carry out flash fill —but such a forced action may offer you wrong data. So, be careful and check! We hope that this tutorial on Excel Flash Fill feature was useful for you. Please feel free to ask any questions related with this topic in the comment section. We will try our best to assist you. Thank you for using TechWelkin!