When you are not liking the way someone is talking to you, and are not happy with the things they share on the app, you can block people on Instagram and other people can block you as well. Since this process does not send any notifications whatsoever, they can’t know if you blocked them. In addition, it is very difficult to know if someone blocked you on Instagram. If you are unable to figure out how to know if someone blocked you on Instagram, worry no more because, with this article, we have you covered.

How to Know if Someone Blocked You on Instagram?

There might have been times when you are using the app and suddenly you remember that a friend you were close to, talking regularly suddenly has stopped texting. You haven’t seen their posts in a while, their stories, or anyone mentioning them at all. This is when you start to wonder if they blocked you. well, there are some ways you can know if someone blocked you on Instagram and they are explained below:

  1. Search their account
  2. Check your DMs
  3. Go through your likes and comments
  4. Use Instagram Web
  5. Create a new Instagram account
  6. Ask your friends

1. Search their account

One of the ways you can know if someone blocked you on Instagram is by searching for your account. If a person who previously was friends with you on Instagram or whose account you could view has blocked you, their account will not be shown when you search for it. Go to your search button and search for their names/usernames. If that person has blocked you, you will not be able to find their accounts on Instagram. However, this may also sometimes mean that the person has deleted or, deactivated their Instagram account and not blocked you. You can also check group messages if you guys are in the same group.

2. Check your DMs

Another way you can know if someone blocked you on Instagram is in case you ever had a conversation with the person you are searching for on Instagram, you can also open their chat inbox and try to view their profiles. Even when someone blocks you, the conversations you had with them will not be deleted and remains there. You can always open it and tap on the person’s name to go to their profiles. If the profile opens normally with the posts, and stories and shows you their followers and the following list, it means that they haven’t blocked you. If the profile is blank it means that they might have blocked you. This method too is not 100% sure as this may also sometimes mean that the person has deleted or, deactivated their Instagram account and not blocked you.

3. Go through your likes and comments

In the times that you are sure that this person had once before liked any of your posts or commented on any one of them, you can also try opening those likes or comments lists and try to view their profile. Instagram does not get rid of likes and comments even when you are blocked by someone on the app. Try opening their accounts by tapping on the profile picture or username. If the profile opens normally with the posts, and stories and shows you their followers and the following list, it means that they haven’t blocked you. If it does not show those stuff and the profile is blank or with ‘User not found’ text, it means that they might have blocked you. In this way, you can know if someone blocked you on Instagram. Even this method too is not sure as this may also sometimes mean that the person has deleted or, deactivated their Instagram account and not blocked you. You might also be interested in How to Block Someone on Instagram?

4. Use Instagram web

Instagram web can be a great and easy way to know if someone blocked you on Instagram. To check out this using the web version of the app, follow the given steps:

1. Open Instagram on the web and tap on the ‘Address bar’.

2. Type in the URL ‘https://www.instagram.com/username’. Make sure that you are typing the username of the person you are searching for at the end as shown below.

3. If their account is displayed normally like any other active one, it means they haven’t blocked you. If it does not, it means that they might have blocked you.

It might also mean that they deactivated, or deleted their Instagram accounts.

5. Create a new Instagram account

One more way you can know if someone blocked you on Instagram for sure is by creating a new Instagram account. For this, create a new Instagram account using a new mail id or phone number. Once you are done, search for the name/username of the person you are trying to find. If you do find their account, it means that they did actually block you. If you do not find their account this way as well, it means that they in reality have deleted or deactivated their accounts and not blocked you. However, this method is not recommended.

6. Ask your friends

The easiest and most effective way you can use to know if someone blocked you on Instagram for real is by none other than asking your friends. Does not matter if your friend is following that person or not, ask them to search for their account. If they find it and can open it and you cannot, it means that you have been blocked. If they too cannot find the account, it means that they might have taken some time off from the app.


Hence, by using the steps mentioned above in the article, you can now easily know if someone blocked you on Instagram. Use the multiple methods mentioned above but if wish not to go through all this work, ask your friends that are friends or maybe not with that person to search for their accounts. When you do this, you will find out the answer sooner and with little to no effort. Hope this article was helpful and cleared your doubts. Feel free to leave comments in case of any queries.


How to Know if Someone Blocked You on Instagram  - 41How to Know if Someone Blocked You on Instagram  - 79How to Know if Someone Blocked You on Instagram  - 43How to Know if Someone Blocked You on Instagram  - 92How to Know if Someone Blocked You on Instagram  - 26How to Know if Someone Blocked You on Instagram  - 71How to Know if Someone Blocked You on Instagram  - 47How to Know if Someone Blocked You on Instagram  - 9How to Know if Someone Blocked You on Instagram  - 99